Machine learning (ML) is almost always centered on prediction; think "ˆy". Econometrics (E) is often, but not always, centered on prediction. Instead it's also often interested on estimation and associated inference; think "ˆβ".
Or so the story usually goes. But that misses the real distinction. Both ML and E as described above are centered on prediction. The key difference is that ML focuses on non-causal prediction (if a new person i arrives with covariates Xi, what is my minimium-MSE guess of her yi?), whereas the part of econometrics highlighted above focuses on causal prediction (if I intervene and give person i a certain treatment, what is my minimum-MSE guess of Δyi?). It just happens that, assuming linearity, a "minimum-MSE guess of Δyi" is the same as a "minimum-MSE estimate of βi".
So there is a ML vs. E distinction here, but it's not "prediction vs. estimation" -- it's all prediction. Instead, the issue is non-causal prediction vs. causal prediction.
But there's another ML vs. E difference that's even more fundamental. TO BE CONTINUED...
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