Check out the latest "Top 100 Economics Blogs" here. The blurb for No Hesitations (under "Sub-field Economic Blogs") is pretty funny, issuing a stern warning:
His blog is primarily focused on statistics and econometrics, and is highly technical. Therefore, it is recommended for those with advanced knowledge of economics and mathematics.
In reality, and as I'm sure you'll agree if you're reading this, it's actually simple and intuitive! I guess it's all relative. Anyway the blurb does get this right: "It is especially recommended for those wanting to learn more about dynamic predictive modeling in economics and finance." Quite apart from pros and cons of its No Hesitations blurb (surely of much more interest to me than to you...), the list provides an informative and timely snapshot of the vibrant economics blogosphere.
The Bank of Chile's latest Annual Conference volume, Monetary Policy and Global Spillovers: Mechanisms, Effects, and Policy Measures, is now out, here. In addition to the research presented in the volume, I love the picture on its front cover. So peaceful.
Some years ago I blogged on the first Workshop on Quantitative Tools for Macroeconomic Policy Analysis hosted by the Penn Institute for Economic Research (PIER). We just completed the fourth! It was a great group as usual, with approximately 25 participants from around the globe, mostly economists at country central banks, ECB, etc. Some of the happy campers, along with yours truly, appear in the photo. You can find all sorts of information on the workshop site. Information / registration for the next Workshop (May 2019) will presumably be posted in fall. Please consider joining us, and tell your friends!